
Datawarehouse automation news

We need ambassadors! I was at this one day course recently and spoke to a professional working in the business intelligence domain. He said that he had just followed a two week course for datawarehouse architects. I asked him, what did they tell about Data Vault? His answer was shocking: "Not so much .." If recently trained datawarehouse architects do not get trained to use Data Vault in a datawarehouse...

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Updates Change log DateChanges 31 January, 2017Really good news! The 8k limitation on HASHBYTES has been removed in SQL Server 2016! Today I would like to discuss Hash Diff calculation using SQL Server 2014, from my own experience. My purpose is NOT to be complete and/or to replicate book "Building a scalable data warehouse with Data Vault 2.0". For full details please read the book. However I will give a short...

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Intended audience This post could be interesting for professionals working on datawarehouse projects using the Microsoft SQL Server database engine. This post assumes that you have at least a basic understanding of Data Vault principles. Introduction Those who have read the book "Building a Scalable Data Warehouse with Data Vault 2.0" by Dan Linstedt and Michael Olschimke will know that database schema's are used in the examples in...

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